Thursday, May 14, 2009

Who died and made you God?

Sometimes I get so pissed off. Seriously.

I did fairly well in high school. Freshman year was miserable but I came out of it and had a lot of friends and fun. Got in trouble a lot, too.

BUT I grew up. Apparently not everyone does this. Some people, most notably women, still stay the same bi***y people they always were.

This amazes me. Not only are we NOT supposed to be worried/obsessed/concerned about
being popular, we are SUPPOSED to teach our kids NOT TO. Remember? How to raise your kids 101: Thou shall not inflict pain, physical or emotional, on others.

I watched my youngest daughter be ostracized by a group of horrible girls at her
old junior high because.....gasp.....she stood up for a girl. She knew she had made
a mistake even hanging around with them but she felt she had to or face recriminations. And then they turned on her anyway. We were lucky. We moved and she is starting over and things seem to be better.

Honestly how could it have been different? I raised my daughter to stand up for people who couldn't stand up for themselves. To think for herself. It's okay if she isn't wearing makeup in fifth grade and it's okay if you don't want to look 20 in 7th grade.

But apparently it wasn't. And how could they know different when their moms run in packs, ummm..I mean cliques. I tried to do cupcakes. I tried to do Campbell's Soup labels. I tried to smile at others and get to know them. And you know what? I am not kissing some middle-aged wholier-than-thou woman's butt.

It starts here. I am sorry my daughter won't be included in those parties and those events and, wait, that's right. I am NOT sorry.

Women, GROW UP. You should be sisters, friends, and well, decent human beings.


Saturday, May 2, 2009

Allergies suck

It didn't used to be like this. You have to wonder if this is a byproduct of the environmental crisis. I mean, at least consider it, right?

My husband literally carries a bag of pills around with him. We have had to pull over just so he can gag out the car door. I know, gross, but that's the point. And this year my 14-year-old daughter started. She already has the Dermatographism that I have. Her skin is as sensitive as mine and she can break out in a heartbeat. Now she has what her dad has. She missed so much school this year. And now we have her on weekly shots. I can only hope.

So today I wake up feeling like I did when I used to smoke. Like after a party or going out and smoking about a pack of smokes. Ugh. And my nose and mouth hurt. My skin hurts. So loratadine for me today. I hate to whine. Hey, I do, too! But I feel miserable today.