Sunday, July 26, 2009

School shopping

Okay, it's that time again. I always found it fun to buy the school supplies. There are always so many things out there and you don't have to watch your child try them on over and over again...did you ever notice how many other stressed moms there are out there in the dressing rooms?

Anyways..something happens when your kids get older. Even the school supplies are divided into "cool", "no WAY, Mom!" and "Are you SERIOUS?" I mean, they are pens, right? I get the notebook thing...the artwork is personal. But do we have to spend that much on PENS? And 100 dollar calculators?

But you do what you can and it is hard not to get excited about that first day of school. I remember the fun of wearing a new outfit, having all new supplies and seeing your friends again.

And as a's time to gear up for more activities, running around and all that "school stuff". :)